Political Documents


Colonial North Carolina

The Mecklenburg Resolves


On May 31, 1775, the county of Mecklenburg, North Carolina signed 20 resolutions or “Resolves.” They start by saying that a recent address by Parliament had stated that “the American Colonies are declared to be in an actual State of rebellion.” Whereas by an Address presented to his Majesty by both Houses of Parliament in February last,...

Political Documents

Penelope Barker (1728 – 1796)


Penelope Barker (1728–1796) was a remarkable woman. She is known for organizing what is called the Edenton Tea Party. On October 25, 1774, she persuaded fifty women to support fellow colonists in their resistance to British taxation. In a formal statement, the 51 ladies promised not to drink tea or wear English linen.

Early America

North Carolina Ratification Conventions: Five Quotes You Need To Know


Many North Carolinians expressed Antifederalist sympathies and were skeptical of giving the national government more authority, especially without a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution. There might be problems with the Articles of Confederation, sure, but did Americans, many Tar Heels questioned, need to hurriedly give the national government more power?

Civil War

Vance Birthplace


Mountain pioneers built their cabins in the high valleys and coves of western North Carolina. The Vance family pioneer homestead is nestled in picturesque Reems Creek valley, shadowed by the mountains of the Blue Ridge. Members of this family included five outstanding men of character, each of whose lives was marked by service to the people of North Carolina in local, state, and national capacities.

Colonial North Carolina

The Halifax Resolves Signaled a Victory for the Grass-Roots


First, there was the Halifax Resolves. Then there was the Declaration of Independence.


Tar Heel State Helped Protect American Freedom


North Carolinians' skeptical approach to government power helped pave the way for a U.S. Bill of Rights.

Colonial North Carolina

Cornelius Harnett


Cornelius Harnett, was an American merchant, farmer, and statesman from Wilmington, North Carolina.  He was a leading American Revolutionary in the Cape Fear region and a delegate for North Carolina in the Continental Congress from 1777 to 1779.

Colonial North Carolina

Capital Punishment


North Carolina’s violent crime rate is the 18th highest in the country, and the Tar Heel State’s use of capital punishment ranks them in 5th place in the nation.

Modern Era

Racial Justice Act


During the 2009 Session of the General Assembly, Senator Floyd McKissick(D) from Durham County introduced the Racial Justice Act SB461. The act provides a process by which statistical evidence could be used to establish that race was the basis for seeking or obtaining the death penalty in any case. The Act allows pre-trial defendants and inmates on death row the opportunity to challenge the decision to seek or impose capital punishment. 


The Test


On the eve of the American Revolution, the Vestry of St. Paul’s Church in Edenton wrote the “Test”, and it became a catalyst for fanning the flames of independence within the colony of North Carolina. Written approximately a month before the Declaration of Independence, the "Test" proved to be the church’s own declaration of independence.


Daniel Earl


Rev. Daniel Earle from Edenton publicly stood against Britain and their infractions of the rights of free peoples.

Colonial North Carolina

Halifax Resolves


The Halifax Resolves is the name later given to a resolution adopted by the Fourth Provincial Congress of the Province of North Carolina on April 12, 1776.  The resolution was a forerunner of the United States Declaration of Independence.