Professor Gamble recently published The War for Righteousness: Progressive Christianity, the Great War, and the Rise of the Messianic Nation (ISI Books, 2003). His essays and reviews have appeared in The Journal of Southern History, The Intercollegiate Review, Chronicles, The Freeman (now Ideas on Liberty), The Independent Review, and Humanitas, for which he also serves on the editorial board.
Richard Gamble
Margaret Ross Alexander Professor of History
Hillsdale College
Claude Kitchin (1869-1923)
Claude Kitchin represented North Carolina in the U.S. House during the early-twentieth century and served as Speaker of the House during the First World War. In his public career, Kitchin typically adopted elements of the Populist and Progressive agendas and aligned his views with those of William Jennings Bryan. But the North Carolinian is most known for questioning President Woodrow Wilson's foreign policy and the attempts to expand America's role in world affairs.