Matthew Shaeffer earned a bachelor of arts degree in history from North Carolina State University in 2008. In 2014 he earned his master of arts degree in history from North Carolina State University specializing in American Cold War culture with a focus on superhero comic books. He worked for the John Locke Foundation’s North Carolina History Project.
Mathew Shaeffer
North Carolina History Project
Josiah Collins II (1763-1839)
Josiah Collins II was the son of the prominent merchant Josiah Collins, Sr. He became manager and eventually the owner of the Collins Ropewalk in Edenton. Under his management, the Edenton Ropewalk became one of the most prosperous rope manufacturing sites in North America. When his father died in 1819, Josiah II became the temporary owner and manager of Somerset Plantation until his son Josiah III came of age. Josiah II was also important in the organization of North Carolina’s Episcopal Diocese in 1817.
Josiah Collins III (1808 – 1863)
Josiah Collins III was the heir to Somerset Place, a plantation originally built by his grandfather Josiah Collins, Sr. and his Lake Company. Josiah Collins III was educated at Harvard and later studied law in Litchfield, Connecticut, and lived in New York City for a time. At age 21, he assumed management of Somerset Place and turned it into one of the largest and most prosperous plantations in the South. Josiah Collins III died shortly after the beginning of the Civil War and his death marked the end of Somerset Place. It was restored as a North Carolina State Historic Site in the 1950s and 1960s.
Reconstruction Bibliography
A list of scholarship on Reconstruction in America and North Carolina.