Timothy Bloodworth to John Lamb (July 1, 1789)

Written By North Carolina History Project

The importance of the subject on which you address us needs no apology, but confers an obligation on those patrons of Liberty whose attention to the public welfare merits our most candid acknowledgements.—

It affords us infinite satisfaction to discover your sentiments on the proposed system of Government, as they perfectly coincide with our ideas on that subject.—

Altho’ additional powers to the confederated system, meet our fullest approbation, yet we cannot  consent to the adoption of a Constitution, whose avenues lead to aristocratic tyranny, or monarchical despotism, and opens a door, wide as fancy can paint, for the introduction of dissipation, bribery, and corruption, to the exclusion of public virtue, whose luxuriant growth is only discoverable in the fertile soil of Republicanism, the only asylum for the Genius of Liberty, and where alone she can dwell in safety.

We perfectly agree with you in the Idea of local considerations, and cheerfully inlist in the cause of general liberty and republican principles, and leave the uncertain event to the allwise Governor of the universe, with the flattering hope of equal success with those memorable patriots, who effected the late Revolution in despite of the iron hand of power; to the astonishment of all Europe.—

We acknowledge the obligation to our Country, Posterity, and the rights of Mankind, and will join our feeble efforts to effect the ends you propose; but we are apprehensive that Virginia will accede to the Measure; by a late report we hear that a majority of thirty are in favor of the adoption; should this be the case, it will probably have a prevailing influence on our State, a decided Majority of which, have hitherto appeared averse to the proposed Constitution, we shall notwithstanding pursue the attempt with unremitting ardor as far as the contracted period and opportunity will admit.  

Permit us to observe that we deem it Expedient that the necessary amendments should originate with you, one obvious reason (to mention no more) is presented on a cursory view.  Viz. it is impracticable to collect the sense of our Members before they are convened, your State will be in session when this comes to hand and possibly the revision of the new System may have taken place.—

We request you would forward the proposed amendments, and we presume the two States will not differ materially on this Subject, being actuated by Similar motives, the Love of Liberty and an attachment to Republican principles, exclusive of sinister views.

In behalf of the Committee of Correspondence I have the Honor to be Sir Your most Obedient Humble Servant